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An Interview With Ms. Prodan

The new year brings resolutions, fresh starts, and fireworks, but for Cavell, 2018 brings something that doesn't come every new year. For Cavell, 2018 means a brand-new principal, Ms. Prodan, and we're excited to let you know more about her.

What are some traditions or policies you want to introduce at Cavell?

That's a really good question! I think there are two traditions that I'd like to start at Cavell that I had at my old school. I'd really like to have a precept every week read out on the P.A. every week, just as a little reminder to be kind. Another tradition that I'd like to start is 'Ms. Prodan's Riddle of the Week'. I just post a riddle up on Monday, and the answer goes out on Friday. It's a neat way to get students talking and solving with one another.

How has your experience at Edith Cavell been so far?

It's been really great. The school seems like a very calm place, and the students seem focused on learning to their best abilities. I felt very welcomed, and I like how everyone here gets along well, it seems like a very community-oriented school.

What are your goals for Cavell's community this year?

I like to have kids very active in school, and helping. I'd like the students and community to come together and collaborate and listen to one another. Things like Student Council and the Global Citizens club are also very important, and they give students a say in the decisions our school makes.

Lastly, we loved your slideshow that you made in January. Should we expect more?

Definitely! I love doing slideshows, they let you know about what happens around the school, and are a great way to create and develop community.

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